The bloom that every adept sought to achieve, the alchemical mystery personified by this impossibly rare flower.
A pair of miniature black rose flower heads, with surgical steel ear posts.
See complementary Necklace (P630) & Bracelet A96
$ 0.00
$ 29.95
$ 67.89
$ 88.26
$ 69.56
$ 90.43
$ 33.90
$ 53.74
$ 69.86
$ 68.00
$ 60.00
$ 50.17
$ 65.22
$ 65.00
$ 46.45
$ 60.39
$ 51.26
$ 66.64
The bloom that every adept sought to achieve, the alchemical mystery personified by this impossibly rare flower.
A pair of miniature black rose flower heads, with surgical steel ear posts.
See complementary Necklace (P630) & Bracelet A96